My name's Reckles, I play on US-Tanaris, and this is a new blog dedicated to sharing the gold making strategies I've learned over the years. Am I an expert on everything? No. Am I an expert on some things? Yeah, probably. I've been playing since Wrath and my shining moment was getting Realm First 90. Oddly enough, the person who I just barely beat in that race is now my GM. Wish me luck! Good news for y'all though, is that he has a few million gold so I'll send some tips your way from him whenever he has a second.
You say you need a resume, Mr CEO? This jpg should do.
What to expect coming up:
-I'll post a couple times a week
-I'll start off with individual profession guides
-I never did the "20 days of gold making" and as Faid says, "better late than never." :)
-After all that, I'll start going into more specific topics like when to use Auctioneer vs Auctionator, TSM groups and category customization, what re the best dealfinding lists, and who knows, I may even throw in my two copper on whether or not to undercut in the glyph market.
No matter what though, remember that the best way to make gold is to
Search. Craft. Post. Ever Day.
Next: Standard Deviation>
"I may even throw in my two copper on whether or not to undercut in the glyph market." - i get it....