Tuesday, February 25, 2014

What is Heroic Progression like? Heroic Siegecrafter Kill

     So, quick time out from gold making for an announcement: SIEGECRAFTER BLACKFUSE IS DOWN! After about 200 pulls we killed him, and it was amazing. We had a lot of close calls in there and a lot more absolutely miserable attempts, but as I was watching over some of my footage it reminded me of the time before I was raiding when I wondered "What is it like to raid with a Heroic Progression team." I remembered being able to find a whole bunch of kill videos but a not-very-surprising lack of wipe videos. Granted, we aren't in the 14/14H-in-the-first-month club, but we push hard, strategize, have an orchestrated rez order to minimize time between wipes, and (for any other progression guilds reading) are doing about as well as a team with a Bear+DK tank setup can (yah, I know /cry). So, I put together this video, so y'all can get a taste of some of the mindless wiping, tank death, raid leader frustration (read: language warning), and in the end, elation of victory. Raiding has been my motivation for my goldmaking since the start so getting down one of the most difficult bosses to date while it is still current is a huge in-game achievement for me on a couple different levels. Hope y'all enjoy!
Watch: What is Heroic Progression like? Stagecrafter Kill 

Thanks for reading my little WoW blog! You can follow me on Twitter here and Twitch here. My YouTube channel is growing and has lots of great guides over here. I recommend that all goldmakers download the TSM Suite and the UndermineJournalGE addon. You can read my setup guide if you'd like. And remember that the key to making gold in wow is just to 

Search. Craft. Post.


  1. Congratulations on the kill. I'm in a similar guild, one of the semi-casual 25-man guilds (9 hours/week, strictly enforced) that doesn't push for rank but expects to progress through heroics each tier. Enjoy the accomplishment of the Siegecrafter kill; Paragons is far more brutal as we have discovered over the last few weeks :X.

    1. Yah, they're meaner when they kill you. We're about 20 wipes in but it's just a brutal fight. Seems a lot more linear though. Like, once you get the first boss down, you know how to deal with injection. Then you learn scorpions and stop whiping to that. Then you learn how to place the puddles. Then I don't know what, we haven't learned how to place puddles yet. :)

  2. Congrats on the kill :)

    Curious what the aura is that occasionally circles your and your target's portrait?

    1. Thanks! That's the one red weakaura for the application of my Colossus Smash debuff, and the yellow one is a seperate countdown timer overlayed for the debuff duration. You can probably use the same general setup for any debuff if you play a different class though. As you can see, with the circular buttons, I have a theme going on so I wanted to stick with that for something that was going to be yelling at me every 20 seconds (btw, circular buttons are one of the skins available in Masque:Renaitre).

  3. Yay! Congratulations on the kill! As a fellow gold-maker and heroic 25man raider (I'm in a guild similar to the ones you and Guy Fawkes are in), I am always glad to hear progression news. In some corners of the gold-making community there are a few stereotypes lurking about how raiders can't be good gold-makers, I guess because we're so focused on being dragon-slayers? Who knows, haha.

    I've always felt like my attitudes toward raiding and toward gold-making complement one another. Both require research, strategy, and patience, and the ability to learn from failure.

    Best wishes, and congratulations to you and your guildies!

  4. I'm just a normal mode raider, but I think the mindset of "raiders can't make gold" is a stereotype based in fact. It seems to me that a lot of people who play primarily for raiding have an "ack, barely have enough gold for repairs/flasks/etc" thing going on. And it seems to me (a relative newcomer to reading gold blogs, etc) that a lot of goldmakers don't seem to be strongly into the current endgame (but that might just be that they don't tend to post about it much, since the goldbloggers mostly blog about... gold...), so the opposite stereotype also has a basis. Obviously, as with all stereotypes, they're not 100%, or even necessarily mostly, true.

    I do know that I have (perhaps shamelessly) bought up the way underpriced flasks/leg enchants/etc that my guildies (and others) put up on the AH and resold for significant profit... I have tried to explain to my guildies that by pricing their flasks the way they do (10-20+g less than the next cheapest) is not an effective way to make gold. But they're happy doing it this way because the flasks get bought, and they then have enough gold to last them a couple weeks' raids, when they do it again. I've mostly given up trying to talk them into becoming real competition on the AH, and just buy out and profit -_-;

    1. I'd agree, to an extent. I've helped a few people get set up on TSM, but there are other people that have asked me how to make gold, and when I tell them they can save time AND make 10x as much by downloading 1 addon, they say "oh no, I don't want to make that much! I just want to make enough to get by." It's kindof a silly mindset because as you and I know, if you only want to make 5k a week, only post once or twice: problem solved. But oh well, you can lead a horse to water, can't make em drink (and other platitudes as well!)

      I don't think it's limited to raiders though, since most people seem to be afraid of the work involved of goldmaking, but it's probably more apparent in raiders, since we have more of a consistent need for gold on a weekly basis with food, flasks, potions, repairs, gems, enchants, gear upgrades, and glyphs (just to fill out your list, lol).


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